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Origin of Jewel Name

In a Chinese legend, amber was the stone of the hardened sourness of a tiger, and in Greek mythology, it was said to be the tears of the poplar tree. Pieton, the son of the Sun God, asked his father for a chance to drive the fire chariot. But the horses started to act violently, and his son fell to the ground due to his immature driving. The Sun God caused thunder to have his son and the chariot fall into a river.
Pieton's sisters lamented this and soon changed into a poplar tree. Tears continued to be shed from the tree and hardened, becoming amber.

Amber was the first gemstone used as a talisman because it was believed to have a protective power and therapeutic effect, so it was rubbed over the spine to stop cardiac and palsy.
Flower of Fire "Topas"
The beautiful Queen of Egypt, Arsinoe, planned the murder of her father, Ptolemy II but failed. She was exiled to a small island, Topazos, in the Red Sea. The king of the island was said to have presented a jewel of golden color that shines like the sun to comfort his beautiful prisoner. That was a topaz.
The jewel, a yellow stone, is called the “jewel of fire" in India, and the origin of the word, Tapas, means fire in Sanskrit. In ancient Egypt, the Sun God "Arra" was worshipped, and the jewel symbolized beauty and health. It was believed that walking around with the stone in the pocket caused Vitamin C emanating from the jewel to be absorbed into the body.
Rainbow Fairy "Opal"
The beauty of Opal is well illustrated in the novel "Geyestane" written by the 19th-century English writer Sir Walter Scott. The opal owned by the heroine was set on her hairpin and changed its color depending on her mood, changes in her heart, and emotions. This might reflect the beauty of an opal's rich colors.
Opal gemstones vary from colorless to yellow, brown, green, and blu,e but usually have a slight blue or milky white color.
The value of opal is determined by the base color regardless of whether it has rainbow colors coming out, but most of the time, it was evaluated for the base color along with the beauty of the play of colors.
"Amethyst" with a Sad Story
Amethyst is a good expression of the stone with a spirit. The term amethyst is from Greek mythology that is beautiful and pathetic.

The god Bacchus took a walk to refresh but could not calm the tangled mood in his heart. He came up with a grumpy idea that he would make the first person he met in this forest be eaten by a tiger.

While waiting for a little, the first person passed by. A beautiful lady dressed in clean clothes was on her way to worship at the Temple of Diana. The moment the tiger flashed his sharp claws and attacked her. This faithful lady wished in her heart for the blessing of the gods. She escaped the danger and was turned into a pure white stone. Bucchus was mesmerized by the beauty of the stone and poured wine to turn the stone into a beautiful purple jewel.
Ruby Left the Legend of Princess
The fiery crimson ruby is considered the most powerful jewel in the Old Testament. Rubies have many legends, among them, the most well-known is the myth of love.
In the city of Mandare, still known to western travelers as a dream-like beautiful city with remains of ancient towers and temples with beautiful nature, including jungles and rivers, lived a beautiful princess, Naga, 3,000 years ago.

The princes and the young men of the nearby countries all came and courted in front of the palace to marry this royal princess. The princess said she would marry a brave man who fought the man-eating dragon in the mountains.
Men with weapons quickly went to capture the dragon and, one by one were eaten by the dragon, known as the moon's incarnation.

But only one man, a beggar wearing rags, raided this den during the day and aimed at the dragon with a magical glowing arrow. The beggar returned with the dragon's head had taken off the rags, and became the handsome Prince of the Sun. Princess Naga sent a loving glance to this young and brave man, and the two of them suddenly disappeared, and three large eggs were left in their place.
From the first egg, the king of Burma was born, the second egg held the emperor of China, and from the third egg, a crimson ruby emerged. After that, Princess Naga lived happily with the sun, and the ruby was recognized as a stone of flames and believed that if placed in the water, it would cause the water to boil.